Five Back to School Prayers for Your Teenager
Surprisingly enough, when I went to search for a great title for this post, back to school prayers to pray for your teenager, the word teenager didn’t come up in the search bar! That totally surprised me because not only do our kindergarten, third graders, and fifth graders need prayer, our teengers need prayer too.
Your teenager needs prayer now more than ever. Honestly though, we could probably say this for every stage of their lives, but I still can’t get over the fact that it doesn’t seem to be a highly searched topic. Regardless, I want to get this resource out to you all before school starts this year.
What are the top 5 things I should pray for?
Sleep & Routine
Who They Are
I don’t believe in prayer
That’s ok. Even if you are not a believer and maybe you don’t know about this praying thing, read on, because I know you want good things for your teenager. It takes THREE positive experiences to offset ONE negative experience. People tend to focus on the negative, share it, post it, say it, and make sure that you hear about it. With those five prayers you are beating the negatives. Positive and powerful words motivate us to make good changes in our life.
What is the best prayer to pray over your teenager going back to school?
The best prayer is the one that you remember to pray. There isn’t a right one or a wrong one. If you can only remember one prayer, pray the Who They Are prayer. I created, just for my subscribers, a printable Ebook that has the 5 Back to School Prayers to Pray for My Teenager. It contains a page per prayer and has the scripture reference to go with it. It also has an area for you to write down notes or thoughts.
How often should I pray these back to school prayers for my teenager?
Words are POWERFUL. Pray for them every day. Leave the printables by your coffee maker or put them in your desk at work. Just have them ready to go. I also created a FREE printable for you that has these prayers ready to go in a one page card format. All you have to do is cut the cards apart. If you want to keep the page whole, you could hang it on your fridge or the bathroom mirror. I hang stuff in my closet too. Just put it in a place where you will see it.
Should I let my teenager know I am praying for them?
Absolutely, if you want to! You are letting them know that you want good things for them. Why do we say, “Have a good day”? We want people to know we want that for them, so we say it. We want these things for our teenager. Do you have to let them know? Of course not. I don’t tell my husband or my kids every time I pray for them or what I prayed for. I will text prayers to my boys occasionally, because I want to model prayer for them. Prayer is between you and the Lord. You’ll know if you should tell them or not.
Can I pray these prayers even after the school year has started?
These prayers are for anytime. They are good and applicable all year long.
Are these prayers good for my other children who aren’t teenagers?
You bet they are! You can pray these prayers over your littles, your graduates, and you can even make them applicable for your adult children.
What if I am not the parent of a teenager?
It is ok if they aren’t not your flesh and blood teenager. Praying over close family members or even close friends of the family is a wonderful habit and practice. The Lord loves to hear his people.
What are the Back to School Prayers to Pray for Your Teenager?
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
______ is going to be making new friends and being around old friends this year. Please put friends in _____ path that will build them up and that walk with you Lord. Put friends in their path that see the light of Jesus in them and come to know you through them. Help them not to be taken down and led astray by friends that they draw close to. Help them to see the truth and the light and to love others the way you do.
Sleep & Routine
1 Corinthians 10:31
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
As _______ returns to school please help them to get good quality sleep even though they may be getting home late in the evening. Let them prioritize healthy sleep patterns and taking care of their body. I pray that you put activities and agendas in our routine that you want there and take out what doesn’t need to be a part of what we are doing. Help _____ to feel your direction and prompting for what they need to do in their day to day. I pray that they see the importance of making you a priority in whatever they do.
Proverbs 9:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
I pray that _________ grows in wisdom, and stature, and favor with you and man. Let them learn the skills that it takes to work hard and to not quit when there is a struggle. Help them to love learning and to find value in all classes even when it is difficult. I pray that no knowledge is wasted and that they take every thought and lesson that may be contrary to what you teach us captive. Let them see what they are learning through your truths and to not be deceived by what doesn’t line up with your word. Help them to remember that you give wisdom and that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Proverbs 31: 26
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
We lift up the teachers at _______ school. I especially want to pray for the ones that will be teaching _____ this year. Lord, I ask that you put them with the right teachers. I pray that the teachers feel energized and rested as they start a new school year. Help them to find daily encouragement from having ____ in their class. I pray that _____ is a blessing to their teachers and those around them. I pray that the teachers are professional, have wisdom, are kind and encouraging, and hold _____ to a standard that grows them in a healthy way.
Who They Are
John 1:5
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Let ______know that they are a child of the King, empowered by the Holy Spirit, full of the righteousness of God, and a disciple for you. Give them the confidence to face the fiery darts that come at them. I ask for the full armor of God to cover _____ as they go out into their day. Keep their feet from evil and help them to remember who they are in you. Help them to know that they are a light in the darkness and the darkness can not overcome it. ____ does not have a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind.
Just start where you are.
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Call to Action
We can’t be with our teenagers all of the time, but these prayers cover them in a way that only God can.